After Tenure

Surprise, Whiteness, and the Climate Survey

I’ve been part of a few climate surveys both at my university and as a part of different associations in social psychology. Most of these surveys seek to collect information on discrimination experiences in these institutions, and for those marginalized groups who participate and report, they do …

Intersectionality as a radical framework for transforming our disciplines, social issues, and the world - Overstreet

Intersectionality as a radical framework for transforming our disciplines, social issues, and the world - Overstreet, Journal of Social Issues: We assert that a psychological study of social issues that seeks to move toward social justice, equity, and liberation must embrace intersectionality's …

Tweeting about sexism motivates further activism: A social identity perspective - British Journal of Social Psychology

Tweeting about sexism motivates further activism: A social identity perspective: Participants were again recruited from the Introductory Psychology participant pool in exchange for course credit (N = 1,182). Really enjoyed these studies, particularly the tweeting paradigm. Might be some Type I …